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Recession proofing video subscription services

The possibility that the U.S. will soon be in a recession keeps growing. One area of entertainment which will be particularly nervous about this possibility is subscription video. The industry is unrecognizable from the Great Recession of 2007-09. Back then the main way to subscribe to video was cable, with Hulu still a free advertising-based video on demand (AVOD) service (launching subscriptions in 2010) and only Netflix offering a subscription streaming service.

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Cloud gaming: demo deep dive

Maru has previously explored how the cloud gaming market is set for growth with this report a companion piece that dives deeper into differences between age groups.

That cloud gaming is poised for growth is hard to dispute. The emergence of stable high-speed broadband is the bedrock that the industry has been waiting for, with tech giants Google and Amazon vying with traditional gaming heavyweights Sony and Microsoft for consumer interest in the growing industry.

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Guest User Guest User

Cloud gaming has a bold future

The recent announcement from Samsung that its 2022 line of Smart TVs now have the capability for owners to cloud game on various services, including Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, represents a new stage in the development of cloud gaming as a mainstream consumer offering.

It’s been clear for a long time that gaming and tech companies view cloud gaming as a long-term revenue creator. Sony first launched their cloud gaming platform PlayStation Now in 2014, with Xbox Game Pass launching in 2017.

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How Netflix’s “Stranger Things” experiment helped to beat subscriber estimates

Ever since reporting an overall subscriber decline for the first time in ten years—a 210k fall— in April, the streaming giant’s fortunes radically changed.

The streaming giant predicted much worse fortunes for the second quarter. In their Q1 shareholder letter, a forecast of 2 million subscribers lost was made. As it was, Netflix reported a total subscriber decline of 970,000, beating their own estimate and buoying investors.

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Stop alienating customers with inconsistent e-commerce experiences

Many companies had e-commerce facilities before the pandemic, but they often produced only a small portion of their sales. As pandemic-shuttered consumers turned to online shopping in exploding numbers, and more companies turned to third-party fulfillment partners, the issues with e-commerce became exponentially apparent. E-commerce is a complex fulfillment system which can encompass warehousing, search, selection, payment, delivery, and returning of goods. Issues in this multi-channel customer experience (CX) can and do arise as the service relays with third parties occur. Brands need to understand the end-to-end customer journey, including the various touchpoints, and any gaps or customer pain points that detract from a satisfying experience. It’s not enough to offer online ordering. That experience must be seamless to foster loyalty and repeat business. With third-party providers, brands cannot control the CX which erodes their equity.

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Counting the 'Emotion' Factor in CX

With the recent explosion in buy now pay later (BNPL) products, many financial institutions have entered this high-growth, pre-regulation market. Millions of consumers have embraced these services to spread the cost of their online shopping.

Maru conducted a survey of U.K. consumers of these products polling members of Maru’s Voice UK online panel. The results make the case for bringing in immediate regulations to protect vulnerable consumers from a growing and unmanageable debt gap they will be increasingly challenged to repay—avoiding a repeat of the payday lending crises of 2018.

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Cautionary tale—BNPL disrupts with faster, smarter, more personalized payment solutions

With the recent explosion in buy now pay later (BNPL) products, many financial institutions have entered this high-growth, pre-regulation market. Millions of consumers have embraced these services to spread the cost of their online shopping.

Maru conducted a survey of U.K. consumers of these products polling members of Maru’s Voice UK online panel. The results make the case for bringing in immediate regulations to protect vulnerable consumers from a growing and unmanageable debt gap they will be increasingly challenged to repay—avoiding a repeat of the payday lending crises of 2018.

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BNPL users need more protection to avoid a looming crisis in the financial services sector

With the recent explosion in buy now pay later (BNPL) products, many financial institutions have entered this high-growth, pre-regulation market. Millions of consumers have embraced these services to spread the cost of their online shopping.

Maru conducted a survey of U.K. consumers of these products polling members of Maru’s Voice UK online panel. The results make the case for bringing in immediate regulations to protect vulnerable consumers from a growing and unmanageable debt gap they will be increasingly challenged to repay—avoiding a repeat of the payday lending crises of 2018.

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No-vaxxers: The emotional drivers and how to navigate barriers to the COVID-19 vaccine

The latest data on vaccination rates suggests that slightly less than two-thrids of all Americans are fully vaccinated, and another 12% are partly vaccinated. However, there remains a not insignificant portion of the population who are unyielding in their refusal to get vaccinated. Even the massive disparity between unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals in COVID-19-related hospitalizations and deaths and the recent emergence of the highly-transmissible Omicron variant has done little to influence this “no-vax” mindset among un-vaccinated individuals.

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National Grid sparks customer engagement with interactive and forward-looking sustainability initiatives

How do you engage customers in a low-engagement, highly regulated industry? How do you get them to adopt sustainability practices that are better for both them and the planet?

This is the situation that National Grid is facing – along with many other utilities around the world. With significant operations in the U.K. and Northeastern U.S., they deliver gas and electricity to 20 million people. Their objective is to transfer energy without interruption to customers and maintain the overhead electrical lines and gas pipelines that do this.

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Better brand, better world: Alpha Foods CMO Kierstin De West on the opportunity in helping people become more conscious consumers

Kiersten De West has been leading the charge for greater sustainability for over 20 years, first as the founder and Chief Executive Officer of consultancy Conscientious Innovation, then as Lululemon’s Vice President Global Brand Management and Strategy, and now as Chief Marketing Officer of Alpha Foods—a plant-based food producer. She feels sustainability is undersold and that there is incredible opportunity in helping people achieve the sustainability they aspire to.

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Monica Low Monica Low

The 5 Best Practice Rules For Unstructured Data In Customer Experience Programs

Unstructured data in Customer Experience (CX) programs needs to be analyzed and delivered at speed, essentially real-time. The program also must be able to go deep with understanding to optimize insight and action.

These principles of speed and depth are core to the Maru software ecosystem and are central to the delivery of understanding executed by our users either within the enterprise or via our advisory experts.

In the many proven use cases that we see there are a set of 5 best practice rules which guarantee outstanding delivery from unstructured data programs.

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Monica Low Monica Low

Lighting up – Cancer, cannabis, and the importance of deeply understanding the patient treatment experience

“You have cancer.”

Those three words begin a cycle of physical and emotional turmoil for almost 2 million patients each year.

Two years ago, that was my sister. She was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). Like any cancer diagnosis, this brought my entire family up short. While a diagnosis of NHL is typically a bit less traumatic because the probability of treatment success is relatively high, my sister was an exception. She was diagnosed with a high-risk variant called B-cell NHL or “double-hit” lymphoma which has a significantly worse prognosis and requires extremely aggressive chemotherapy.

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Monica Low Monica Low

Disrupting the status quo – The three characteristics shared by enterprises that succeed through consumer insights

If anyone believed that COVID-19 and its associated restrictions may have given enterprises a chance to slow their pace and plan the way forward on a relaxed schedule, then they have been sorely disappointed. The global pandemic has accelerated digital transformations, fueled technological innovation and investment, and disrupted the workforce in ways that few could have imagined just 18 months ago. Unsurprisingly, rapid change has impacted insights delivery too.

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Monica Low Monica Low

Taking The Pulse: HENRYs (High Earner, Not Rich Yet) Are Focused On Finding Ways To Prioritize Health And Wellness.

For our last topic in the 3-part series on HENRYs (High Earners who are Not Rich Yet), we dive into health and wellness.

Using our proprietary software, Maru ran a three-day discussion with this niche group in the US. Maru’s Instant Qualitative platform allowed us to efficiently moderate a discussion and engage with HENRYs on areas related to financial sentiment, travel, and wellness. We have been exploring what we learned with this group in a series of releases – all aimed at taking a pulse on how HENRYs are feeling, behaving, and thinking during these unprecedented times.

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Monica Low Monica Low

The 3 Golden Principles To Maximize The Value From Unstructured Data

When sharing the Maru Text Analytics capability with clients, one of the first questions we are often asked is ‘What level of accuracy can I achieve?”

Speaking to people keen to use automated verbatim analysis tools, they’ve often been promised 100% accuracy from this sort of technology in the past, only to find that this is never the case.

Accuracy is frequently dependent on a number of different factors. Using Maru’s Text Analytics, maximum accuracy is achievable but it needs to be considered in a framework of best practice golden rules for unstructured data analysis.

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Monica Low Monica Low

Happier Times Ahead: HENRYs (High Earner, Not Rich Yet) Are Keen To Cautiously Return to Pre-Pandemic Travel Behaviors.

Continuing with our 3-part series on HENRYs, those High Earners who are Not Rich Yet, we discuss a topic that appears close to the hearts of this group – Travel.

Using our proprietary software, Maru/HUB, we studied this niche group in the US through Maru’s Instant Qualitative platform. It allowed us to efficiently moderate a discussion over three days and engage on the topics of financial sentiment, travel, and wellness. We will be exploring what we learned with this group in a series of releases – all aimed at taking a pulse on how HENRYs are feeling, behaving, and thinking during these unparalleled times.

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Monica Low Monica Low

Super Bowl LV Was A Happy Event But It Achieved Miserably Low TV Ratings. Understanding Emotions Can Help The Event Push On.

The NFL Super Bowl is a unique event. It stands head and shoulders above all other sporting cultural events in America in terms of popularity, our research has revealed. But the recent Super Bowl LV was an odd affair. The stands were filled with 30,000 cut-outs of people, mixed in with 25,000 actual fans. Some advertisers skipped the game. The legendary half time show received mixed reviews from the critics. The game lacked excitement; it was a very one-sided affair. Streaming was up but it had the lowest TV rating of any Super Bowl in over 50 years. Yet, this does not mean all was lost.

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Monica Low Monica Low

HENRYs (High Earner, Not Rich Yet) Risky Lifestyles Are a Valuable Opportunity for Financial Services Companies

What do you call a 24–40-year-old with household income of over six figures, yet still lives on the financial edge? A HENRY – a High Earner who is Not Rich Yet. Where HENRYs typically have expensive spending habits, they are bogged down by debt (>$50,000+) and/or don’t have a large nest egg of savings (less than the amount of three months’ salary available in non-retirement fund accounts). This translates to a potentially perilous situation for HENRYs. If a HENRY were to stop working, their financial picture would alter dramatically. Work incomes, not investments or savings, prop up the lifestyle that a HENRY leads. Between paying off debt, supporting living expenses, and the upkeep of an often lavish lifestyle, HENRYs can find themselves living pay cheque to pay cheque. We heard from a HENRY who summarized a typical way of living as “Money is meant to be spent. I do recognize the need and value in saving, but when it comes time to make big purchases, I don’t hesitate”.

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